August 15, 2024

Club Program, Horticulture & Design Exhibits


DIVISION I – Horticulture:

Division 1 - Horticulture

Section A.  Annuals

Class 1.  Cosmos

Class 2.  Heliotrope

Class 3.  Petunia

Class 4.  Other

Section B.  Perrennials

Class 5.  Phlox

Class 6.  Bee Balm

Class 7.  Coreopsis

Class 8.  Other

Section C.  Vegetable or Fruit

Class 9.  Pepper

Class 10.  Phaseolus vulgaris (Beans)

Class 11.  Cucumis melo (Melon)

Class 12.  Other

Section D.  Container Grown Plants - Grower's Choice

Class 13.  Home Grown

Class 14.  Greenhouse Grown

Section E.  Shrubs & Trees

Class 15.  Hydrangea

Class 16.  Crepe Myrtle

Class 17.  Hibiscus

Class 18.  Other

*Tip:  Water very early in the morning to discourage mildew.  If powdery mildew appears, remove severely infected plants, thinning the plants to allow for adequate air circulation.  Dispose of in the trash.  Spray remaining plants with Andre's Remedy:  1 Tbsp baking soda and 1 Tbsp ultra-fine horticultural oil combined in 1 gallon of water.  

Reduce fertilization.  Complete tree and shrub pruning.



“Creative Line" -  Design type and plant material to be listed on a 3x5 card, backdrop encouraged. Remember Principles of Design. Use NGC Handbook for Flower Shows, page 74. 


*Tip:  Water very early in the morning to discourage mildew.  If powdery mildew appears, (as often does on zinnias and annual phlox), remove severely infected plants, thinning the plants to allow for adequate air circulation.  Dispose of in the trash.  Spray remaining plants with Andre’s Remedy:  1 tbsp baking soda and 1 tbsp ultra- fine horticultural oil combined in 1 gallon of water.

Reduce fertilization.

Complete tree and shrub pruning.